22 novembre 2011

ZX Spectrum 48K Laptop v1.0

Questo tizio ha progettato uno ZX Spectrum in versione Laptop!

Display LCD 7", batteria al litio integrata (durata circa 130 min.), Compact Flash integrata, Sistema operativo Residos, sostituito jack MIC con jack carica batteria, pulsante Reset, NMI, interruttore on/off.

Ultimi Fix:
* Upper RAM replaced by SRAM Cmos.
* Video RAM 4116 replaced by 4164, byebye +12 and -5.
* Z80 replaced by Z80Cmos.
* 7805 regulator system replaced, byebye hotter and disipation system.
* Added charger battery system. You can play and charge at same time.
* Added reset buttom.
* Added red "terminator" led operation.
* Added copper ULA disipator.
* Added 7" tft color monitor.

Prossimi obbiettivi:
* internal upgrade to 128K
* internal AY sound addon ;-)

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